Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Fun Date Ideas
Fun Date Idea #1 - Hope your not afraid of heights.
Now, before we get started, these date ideas will probably end up costing you a little bit. Now, I'm gonna try and come up with some cheap fun date ideas later, but for now, plan on spending a little bit. And there's nothing wrong with dropping a few dollars to have a good time. As I see it, moderation in all things. I don't think spending a $100 bucks or more every weekend would be justified, unless your friggn rich, but from time to time on a modest budget, you should spend some money to have a good time. Life is too short. That being said, fun date idea numero uno would be bungee jumping. Now, most guys would be down like mo town to do this, so it might be up to you fellas to convince your lady friend to go along. You could always tell them you're going to the opera, by the bridge with the hundred foot drop :)
Price range: Looks like you'd be paying anywhere from around $50 to $450 per jump, depending on how extreme you want to get (the $450 price is jumping from a helicopter :)) Then there's the traveling part of it as well, if you don't live near a jump zone. So you could totally make this a road trip. Yes! Here is a link to a site that has some different locations and prices:
Bungee jumping prices and locations
Fun Date Idea #2 - Wait until 30 minutes after eating
You guessed it. This idea may or may not involve swimming, depending on how good you are, or where you decide to do it, rafting that is. White water rafting can be fun for everyone, except for people like my dad who hates the water. The reason it can be fun for anyone is that it covers people who just want to have a little adventure, or people who are a little on the crazy side and like near death experiences. You do this by choosing the river you go on, the time of year you go, and who you go with. There are some rafting companies that will give the option for a crazier part of the river, or the more laid back part of the river, depending where you go. The nice thing about this, there are rivers all over the place, at least here on the west coast, and pretty much every river has got some sort of rafting tours on it. So, you wont really have to travel that far, and rafting is fun date idea that is reasonably priced, and the more people you have, the cheaper it is. Typically.
Price range: For adults, prices range from $50 - $100 for a 10 mile trip. Kids prices range from $40 - $80 for a 10 mile trip. These prices were just an average from some different rafting companies in Colorado. You probably wanna look up what ever river you're going to raft to get an estimate for that river. More then likely will fall into the same price range.
Fun Date Idea #3 - Boring... or is it?
My next idea may fall under the boring category for most guys. Visiting a museum or science center. But before you change the channel dude, just hear me out. I was one of those guys too. When we were dating, my wife took me to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. I was thinking the whole time on the way over, "This is gonna be a loooooong afternoon". But when we got there, it was surprisingly pretty awesome. Now mind you, they do have a planetarium there, which did help the sweetness factor. But all in all, it was a fun afternoon. An added bonus to this fun date idea fellas, it falls into the whole "culture factor" that women like so much. Think of it this way, its either this or the ballet :(
Well, that about wraps it up. I hoped you learned a thing or two. And as always, keep coming back for more updates and more fun date ideas.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Romantic Gift Ideas
Gift Rule # 1 - Take it easy, for sheezy
This means you. It should be common sense, but don't be giving her any sort of jewelry or anything else along those lines. Most guys wouldn't anyways, but if it crossed your mind... Gifts should not be given until, oh, about the third to fifth date. And even then, you want to start off slow, with something small and nothing too romantic. Of course, flowers don't count, and can actually impress. Believe it or not, a lot of girls have never gotten flowers before, either from being overlooked by their previous dates or just going out with the wrong guys. Back when I was dating, it blew my mind how many girls I would bring flowers for and the response was "Wow, I never gotten flowers before". And I know what some of you are thinking, "Romancy Pants, they were just patronizing you, or you were their first date or boyfriend." But, on the second or third date, after I had gotten to know them, I found out that their previous boyfriends just didn't treat them right. So, I would definitely give my stamp of approval on flowers for your first date, but again, I don't really consider a gift idea per say.
Gift Rule # 2 - What goes around comes around
When getting a gift for a loved one, do not consider something both of you can use as a "romantic" gift idea. This is mainly for men, because that's just the way we think. I think a big flat screen tv is very sexy and or romantic. And even though my wife would love it too, it still would not fall into the romantic category for her. And I shouldn't even have to say this one, but I'm gonna. Do not get her something that only you are interested in. That reminds me of that one Simpsons episode where Homer gets Marge a bowling ball for her birthday, with his name on it!!! Now I really doubt anyone in the real world has been that stupid, but it would not surprise me. So, the best way to get the perfect gift is to figure out what it is that your lovey dovey really likes. For example, if she likes a particular animal, like dolphins, or cutesy bugs, like ladybugs, look online and you can find all sorts of cool jewelry with all different types of animals and other objects. And just remember, women like to see you put in some effort, almost more then the gift you give them. And the more happy she is, the more happy you will be, if you catch my drift :)
Now that we have a couple of rules down, Lets get to the actual gift ideas. Now remember, don't just copy off of what we have here. You're gonna wanna tailor fit the idea to your women, or man. I think we will list gift ideas for women first. So guys, pay attention!
Romantic Gift Ideas For Women
- A "Show me the Love" coupon book. Put all sorts of sappy, romantic ideas in here. You could put in a coupon for a back rub, foot rub, breakfast in bed, a day of get the idea. Just be creative, and remember, think of what she likes.
- Let's go ahead and throw in the stereotypical gift ideas right now and get them out of the way. You got flowers, chocolates, candles, perfume... Now even though these are pretty standard ideas, they can still be given to her creatively. Remember, women love to see creativity and that you actually made some effort. Example, spell out "I love you" in chocolates on the bed, or hide flowers somewhere you know she will find them. I have also come to find that women love surprises.
- Poems. Yeah, I went there. Now, typically, a poem is not a gift all by itself. For example, you would write her a poem and give her a bracelet on Valentines day. Or you would write her a poem and give her some flowers on her birthday. You can even just randomly write her something just to show her how much you care, or if you're in the doghouse. But for the love of everything that is holy, DO NOT over do it. If your one of those sappy romantic types, ok, but no matter how much she says she likes it, you can over do it.
- Not all that glitters is gold, it's white gold! Women love jewelry. Always have, always will. Your only job is to find out which specific type of gem and or metal she prefers. For instance, my wife doesn't like the traditional yellow gold. So she gets either white gold or platinum, depending on how much money is in the bank at the time of course :). Once you find out what she likes, its pretty easy shopping for jewelry. This is a fail safe gift idea because every women loves jewelry. And if your women really really doesn't, consider yourself lucky because jewelry is probably the most expensive gifts we men have to get.
I think that will do it for today. Remember, this is a fairly new and young blog and we will be constantly adding different dating ideas and gift ideas, amongst other things. I thank you for visit our romantic dating idea site and hope your visit has been joyful as well as insightful.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Update for Romantic Date Ideas
Well today I think we will cover some good first date ideas. Typically, your first date ideas will cater to a younger audience, like sixteen year olds, but there are times when you are older and have to start dating again, and we will try to throw some ideas in there for you too. A few things to keep in mind for first date ideas...
Rule #1 - Make it cheap!
Confusios says "Never spend money on another mans wife". I dont know if he really said that, but the main jist of it is this: Don't go spending your life savings trying to impress someone, because you might break up or never go anywhere, and then that person will just move on, thus wasting your money on somebody else's loved one. Now, if you're in the younger category, you probablly don't have a whole lot of money anyways which makes this rule an easy one. Now if your a bit older, mid twenties and up, you probably have saved a penny or two, or make decent money, and the temptation to "spend to impress" will be strong. Don't do it! Other then what was mentioned above, you want the girl, or guy, to like you for you. This will help you ditch the gold diggers and find someone that really likes you, not your money. If you make really good money, I would recommend spending a few hundred dollars on an old junker and using that to pick up your first date, or maybe borrow your friends car, if its crappy enough. If a girl, or guy, really like you, this will only enhance the evening.
Rule #2 - F is friends who do stuff together, U is for you and me...
This seems rather obvious, but your first date should focus on being awesome and FUN! Well duh, you're telling me. But you might be surprised at how many first dates are your typical, standard, boring dinner and a movie. Dinner, not such a bad idea, but for a first date, you definately dont want it super romantic, and don't forget rule #1, keep it cheap. Now as for a movie, stay away for the first date. You cant talk and you waste 2 -3 hours for the entire experience. Your first date should be awesome and is super important and will help you decide to go on date #2. Remember, if you can figure out what kind of person he or she is on the first date, you can eliminate a much wasted second date if the person truly isnt right for you. And let me tell you, you dont figure that out by sitting quitely next to someone for 2 or more hours. So remember, make it fun!
Rule #3 - Play hard to get
This is probably my favorite rule, and maybe the most important. My dad's rule back when he was dating was "If there wasn't a kiss on the first date, then there wasn't a second.". Now, the only reason I mention that is because it is the opposite of playing hard to get, and you should do the exact opposite, and it is funny. Now, in playing hard to get, you dont really have to try all that hard or do anything special, just don't try to make any moves, if you know what I mean, and resist any moves put on you, as hard as that might be. Now, a kiss on the cheek and a big hug would be ok, and at least let her know you are interested. Just resist the urge to go farther, which will be hard, I know, especially when shes the one putting on the moves. In the long run, it will be for the best, trust me. It will keep you in the drivers seat and she will have a lot more respect for you in the end, if you make it that far. And by that far I mean marriage.
Ok, now that we have set the rules, look for some of those fun first date ideas that we spoke of earlier coming soon. We will try to come up with at least 5 or so good ideas to start off with, which will be focused on fun and awesome date ideas instead of romantic ones. Once again, thanks for visiting our romantic date idea blog!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
More Awesome Date Ideas
Last Minute Date Idea #1 - Look to the Paper
Now, after you get done reading the comics and sports, look to the entertainment section. Typically the Friday's paper will have all sorts of free, or next to free events, in your city or town. These make for great last minute ideas as they take no time to plan (other then the few minutes you spend searching through the paper), are usually pretty cheap, and can make for a really fun night. Plus, you get to chalk one up for the whole culture thing, which I'm sure your loved one would like, and maybe you too.
Last Minute Date Idea #2 - $5 Shopping Spree
Hurray! $5 shopping spree. Imagine all those wonderful things you could buy :). Just kidding folks. But seriously, a cheap shopping spree can be fun, and once again, doesn't take a whole lot of planning. Here's how it works. You take $5 each, or more if you're a high roller, and go down to your local mall or Wal-Mart and go nuts. Basically, the goal is to see who can get the coolest stuff, or the most stuff, or the weirdest stuff, or whatever you want it to be. Its cheap, and it can get pretty interesting, depending on who you play with.
Last Minute Date Idea #3 - I scream, you scream
This awesome date idea is for those of you have already made your dinner plans, but are wondering what to do next. Of course dessert silly. Now, how to make it fun, and cheap. In my opinion, you can never go wrong with ice cream, and if your date thinks otherwise, and is not lactose intolerant, maybe you should find a new date :). So, what do you do with the ice cream. Sure, you can scoop it in a bowl and throw some toppings on it. Not very fun. So I suggest ice cream sculpting to spice things up a bit. What the heck is ice cream sculpting you ask. Well, first you gotta get the ice cream that's in the square box. Then, you cut the box off from the ice cream. Now mind you, the ice cream needs to be really frozen so it is hard enough to get out of the box without getting completely deformed. Then, you throw the cube of ice cream on a plate and carve away. For you serious sculptors out there, put your chainsaw away. You're gonna want to use spoons or butter knives. Then throw on all the toppings you want, although you may or may not want to eat your beautiful creation. And if you still have toppings left over, well, use your imagination :)
So I hope these last minute date ideas will help you out. Their quick, fairly cheap, definitely don't take a whole lot of planning, and have the potential to be really fun. Thanks again for visiting and hope you come back for more awesome date ideas, as we will be adding more and more.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Valentines Day Gift Ideas
February 14, the romance capital of the year, and also the most loved and hated day of the year. Of course this day I'm speaking of is Valentines day (also known as single awareness day :) ). Loved by those who have someone to celebrate with and have their whole day planned out, and hated, or ignored, by the single people of the world and those who do have a love in their life, but don't have a clue as what to do. Here, we will try and give you what we believe to be some fun and awesome date ideas, we'll also through in some romantic gift ideas as well!
Well, if you fall into this last category, and have absolutely no idea what to do on valentines day, you have come to the right place. Here we will be listing a list of creative date ideas, along with some date ideas that cost little to nothing. And of course if you are one of the few, very few that is, that already has your day planned out, good for you. Hopefully this article will just give you some great ideas to make your day even better. So read on, and don't fear, your romantic hero is here!
Cheap, But Awesome, Date Ideas:
Date Idea #1 - Picnic At The Park
I know what your thinking. This time of year, it's too cold to be having dinner outside. So this idea is only for you people living in paradise, to me that is any place it doesn't snow :). But seriously, this can be great way to kick off a romantic evening, and it doesn't take a whole lot of planning or money, which makes it my kind of date. All you need, a blanket, a meal (home cooked or for those of you who have a hard time in the kitchen, you can pick up a nice home cooked meal from Boston Market for a reasonable price), maybe some candles to set the mood ;), and if there is a pond at your park, bring along some cheap bread and feed the ducks. After that, just go on a walk and whisper sweet nothings into his/her ear :) Just kidding with that sweet nothings bit, but a walk is always a good way to help your meal settle.
Date Idea #2 - Go on a romantic hike
What the heck is a romantic hike? Well, its a hike taken on valentines day :). Hikes are a good way to get outside and have fun at the same time, which makes for a great date idea. If you live in a warmer climate, or at least in a place where it doesn't get too cold at night, bring along a light blanket and some flashlights so you can stop at gaze at the stars. And remember, its not always about gifts and presents. This date idea is perfect if you cant come up with any romantic gift ideas. If you're someplace in the country, far enough from city lights, watching the stars can be very romantic. And if you're in a secluded enough area....
Date Idea #3 - Making a meal together, romantically
If you haven't figured it out by now, I consider any sort of date idea that you do on valentines day to be romantic. So, how do you put a romantic spin on something that is typically a chore? Well, spice it up of course. Try doing it naked....just kidding. Please do not try doing it this way, for the sake of your loved one :). Besides, you can save that part for later. I would suggest trying something new, in the kitchen. Taking on a new challenge together can be very unifying, and also leaves room for some good laughs. And who knows, maybe you'll end up learning something new. And remember, don't forget to leave room for dessert, if you know what I mean :)
These are just a few of some romantic date ideas that are good for valentines day. And quite frankly, good for any day. As this is a new blog, we will be adding more awesome date ideas quite frequently so keep coming back. We also plan to add a whole bunch of other sappy romantic junk, such as great anniversary gift ideas, romantic poems, places to see, along with funny date stories and dating stats. Thank you for visiting our blog and hope we left you with an idea for that perfect gift.