Thursday, February 7, 2008

Valentines Day Countdown

Well, Valentines Day is right around the corner, and you probably don't have any idea what you are going to do, and what you are going to give her. So, I figured that maybe it would be a good idea to begin the Valentines Day Countdown. We'll be coming up with different date ideas and different gift ideas, and correspond them with how much time you have left. Example, you obviously are gonna have a hard time making reservations to the most romantic place in town within a week, so something you can do with 7 days left is to make reservations to a lesser romantic place, and then set up something romantic afterwards, like dancing under the stars or going on a carriage ride. If you wait till the very last minute, you'll be eating at Mcdonalds and going to the movies, and probably not even a good movie cause there really isn't any out right now. So, here is a list of some romantic gift ideas and romantic date ideas, for day 7

7 Days Left...

Well, now would be a good time to start calling to arrange for carriage rides, checking to see if any concerts are available, and maybe even checking some classier, roamantic restaurants to see if there is anything available. Depending on where you live, these ideas might already be taken. If so, you're just gonna have to get creative. I know, I said the C word. But don't worry. We're gonna give you some alternatives.

Romantic Date Idea (For 7 days left) - Hope you have some single friends...

This idea will only work if you have single friends, or little brothers or sisters, or nephews or neices, or basically anybody that is old enough to be your maitre d for the evening but not old enough to have any plans for Valentines. The idea is to set up a romantic setting in your kitchen, or anywhere else you want to eat dinner, and make it look like a fancy restaurant. Then get your volunteer to serve you your dinner. Now, there are several ways this could go. With single friends, depending on how good of friends you are, you're either gonna have to cough up some cash, or owe them a solid. It would probably be more on the serious romantic side as well. But, if you go with the little kid option, you will get the cute factor, which is also good. And the bonus to that is, kids will probably take a trip to dairy queen for their payment, or a $5 toy at Toys'R'Us, depending on the kid and the age of course. Either way, having someone else serve you dinner will give the two of you more time to spend togetjer, and if done right, can actually be better then going out to that fancy smancy restaurant anyway.

Romantic Gift Idea (For 7 days left) - Don't worry, you still got options

I would say that with 7 days left, you are still pretty much safe. If you are buying her jewelry, you still got time to get it resized. If you are buying her something online, you will more then likely have it in time, as there is still 5 business days as of today before the 14th. Just remember that when buying her something, you gotta speak her language. For guys who have been with their significant other a while, you know what I mean. For fellas still getting to know their honeys, just stick with the basics and you'll probably will be alright. Click here if you need some basic gift idea guidelines. Just remember to put some effort into the idea, or at least make it look like you did.

Well, I gotta run. I know I really didnt give any real gift idea today, so come back tomorrow and I'll some actual ideas. Just remember when it comes to gifts, you typically can't go wrong with jewelry, even though I know its not always the most practical idea. Thanks for stopping by and come back tomorrow for Romantic Date Ideas and Romantic Gift Ideas for day 6, as the countdown continues...