I know this blog is about romantic date and gift ideas, but what better way to pay for all those dates and gifts then from an online business. And if you have ever actually looked into making money online, then you know exactly what a mess that whole world is. That is why Vic, amongst a few others(and I really mean only a few), are trully amazing. He tell's you how it is without selling you an e-book. He gives you real world examples from real experience. Vic also holds nothing back, which in my opinion is quite refreshing. I have been reading from his blog, bloggerunleashed.com, for a few months now. I have only been fiddling with the ideas he has presented and havent actually worked at it, which is why I havent made any money yet. That's the other thing why I like what Vic teaches. He teaches that HARD WORK is the only way to make money online. There is no substitute. There is no "magic bullet" as he puts it. All the knowledge and expertise in the world wont do you any good without actually applying what you know and working your butt off. So while I've been watching and learning, I personally havent been applying. I have made up my mind and am about to change all that. So if you have ever ventured into making money online, head over to Bloggerunleashed.com and get ready to learn, and to work.
Vic is a little rough around the edges, and like I said, has no problem speaking his mind. So you probably don't want to watch his videos with little ones around. :)
The "few others" I mentioned in the post about making money online would be Griz and Court. You can find there sites here:
Griz - Make Money Online
Court - Internet Marketing