Welcome back to another session of awesome date ideas. Picking the right idea for your date is important, but you need to make sure you know what your date likes. It doesnt make sense to do an outdoorsy activity with someone who just isnt into that sorta thing. And likewise, it doesnt make sense to do some boring and drab date with someone who is looking for an exciting time. So we have listed here some more awesome date ideas. And also, dont forget to be thinking about that perfect romantic gift idea either, cause women love gifts, even if you make them and dont cost a whole lot. More about that later though.
Awesome date ideas
Go for a swim - Now unless you live in Alaska(and even then I bet they have heated pools), you can do this anytime you want. Swimming can be an awesome excuse to see your date half naked. Did I say half naked. I meant see them in a different light :D But seriously, going to your local gym or rec center can actually make for a pretty fun date. I know that was actually what me and my wife did. Tons of fun.
Go teepee someones house - Now, I believe if you can't teepee someones house with your date, then either you are no fun, or you are dating a drab. The harmless act of recreational landscaping is both fun and thrilling. The chances of getting caught while knowing if you did get caught that nothing seriously bad could happen to you. Well, unless you teepee your ex, or your dates ex. Then they might get ya for trespassing. Still couldnt imagine a cop keeping a straight face while trying to bust you though... (and I know its not a very romantic date idea, but still pretty fun :D)
What is the perfect romantic gift idea? We'll be figuring that out pretty soon...
Dancing under the stars, anytime of the year, under any conditions - This romantic date idea is a keeper, and you can use it anytime. It is mainly for the menfolk that are looking to impress the ladies with some "creative" sappy date idea. Well, the gist of it is this: go down to your local hobby or craft store, like michaels, get some of those glow in the dark sticker stars, paste em to your ceiling(dont worry, they come off pretty easy), put some light on em all afternoon, then bring her over and put on some of her favorite music and viola! You have a romantic date that didnt cost you a whole lot and she'll think that you are creative! But you may want to come up with something creative when it comes to a romantic gift idea too!
So, you can keep these ideas in your little book of date ideas. Remember, chicks dig creativity, and guys dont really care as long as there is some "fun" along the way, and you ladies know what I mean ;) So hopefully these ideas have helped you out, and thanks for visiting our romantic date ideas! If you were looking for romantic gift ideas, stay tuned...