Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Fun Date Ideas

Welcome back everyone to another exciting episode of romantic date ideas. We will be focusing on fun date ideas this go round. Writing that just now made me have a think... Shouldn't all dates be fun? I mean, even the sappy romantic dates should have at least one or two fun ideas thrown in the mix right? I would certainly hope so. So, you can use these ideas for an entire whole date, or maybe just add it to what you had already planned to spiced things up. Either way, you'll have FUN!

Fun Date Idea #1 - Hope your not afraid of heights.

Now, before we get started, these date ideas will probably end up costing you a little bit. Now, I'm gonna try and come up with some cheap fun date ideas later, but for now, plan on spending a little bit. And there's nothing wrong with dropping a few dollars to have a good time. As I see it, moderation in all things. I don't think spending a $100 bucks or more every weekend would be justified, unless your friggn rich, but from time to time on a modest budget, you should spend some money to have a good time. Life is too short. That being said, fun date idea numero uno would be bungee jumping. Now, most guys would be down like mo town to do this, so it might be up to you fellas to convince your lady friend to go along. You could always tell them you're going to the opera, by the bridge with the hundred foot drop :)

Price range: Looks like you'd be paying anywhere from around $50 to $450 per jump, depending on how extreme you want to get (the $450 price is jumping from a helicopter :)) Then there's the traveling part of it as well, if you don't live near a jump zone. So you could totally make this a road trip. Yes! Here is a link to a site that has some different locations and prices:

Bungee jumping prices and locations

Fun Date Idea #2 - Wait until 30 minutes after eating

You guessed it. This idea may or may not involve swimming, depending on how good you are, or where you decide to do it, rafting that is. White water rafting can be fun for everyone, except for people like my dad who hates the water. The reason it can be fun for anyone is that it covers people who just want to have a little adventure, or people who are a little on the crazy side and like near death experiences. You do this by choosing the river you go on, the time of year you go, and who you go with. There are some rafting companies that will give the option for a crazier part of the river, or the more laid back part of the river, depending where you go. The nice thing about this, there are rivers all over the place, at least here on the west coast, and pretty much every river has got some sort of rafting tours on it. So, you wont really have to travel that far, and rafting is fun date idea that is reasonably priced, and the more people you have, the cheaper it is. Typically.

Price range: For adults, prices range from $50 - $100 for a 10 mile trip. Kids prices range from $40 - $80 for a 10 mile trip. These prices were just an average from some different rafting companies in Colorado. You probably wanna look up what ever river you're going to raft to get an estimate for that river. More then likely will fall into the same price range.

Fun Date Idea #3 - Boring... or is it?

My next idea may fall under the boring category for most guys. Visiting a museum or science center. But before you change the channel dude, just hear me out. I was one of those guys too. When we were dating, my wife took me to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. I was thinking the whole time on the way over, "This is gonna be a loooooong afternoon". But when we got there, it was surprisingly pretty awesome. Now mind you, they do have a planetarium there, which did help the sweetness factor. But all in all, it was a fun afternoon. An added bonus to this fun date idea fellas, it falls into the whole "culture factor" that women like so much. Think of it this way, its either this or the ballet :(

Well, that about wraps it up. I hoped you learned a thing or two. And as always, keep coming back for more updates and more fun date ideas.